IVF Patients


Sub-optimal success rate of IVF treatments calls for several treatment cycles, on average, before a successful cycle results in a take-home baby.


Currently ultrasound images and blood hormone levels are the main factors in determining whether and when the embryo should be transferred to the uterus (womb) for implantation.


Fertigo medical offers a revolutionary technology that monitors the uterus and provides an accurate timing for the transfer, aiming at the exact timing when the uterus is ready to accept the embryo.​

בינה נט תקשורת ומחשבים
הפריון 4 אזור תעשייה צפוני  אשדוד
נייד: 050-349-777-5 פקס:153-50-349-777-5

© Fertigo Medical Ltd. P.O.B 651, Zichron-Yaakov 3095303, Israel